Our Process:
Your Project From Start to Finish


Phone Consultation

Pleasure to meet you! A phone-call introduction in which we go over what you're looking for, the basic parameters of your project, discuss your vision for what the end result looks like, and answer any questions you may have.

Lastly, we schedule a day and time for an on-site visit.


On-Site Visit & Estimate

We come to your project site to take measurements for square footage, estimate the total cost of raw materials, and further discuss your options for material type, style, and a potential timeline.

We provide an estimate for the project, and if everything looks good, we move to drafting an agreement.


Contract Agreement & Deposit

We iron out all the final details with you, ensuring we have all the correct material types, styles, and quantities. We finalize a project timeline, and send you the contract agreement for a final review. If everything looks in order, you sign the contract and we take an agreed-upon  deposit.

Congratulations, your project is ready to get underway!


Project Start!

Your project is officially underway! Our team begins by doing any preparation or demo work needed and getting the space ready for us to do our magic. We adhere to the agreed timeline, working hard to ensure that everything goes according to plan, on time & within budget, and that the finished project exceeds your expectations.

Start your dream project today.

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